FIRST PLACE - Annik Janssens - Golden Boy - (pastel)
FIRST PLACE - Annik Janssens - Spotted Girl - (pastel)
FIRST PLACE - Annik Janssens - The Caribou Doctor - (pastel)
FIRST PLACE - Annik Janssens - We Need You - (pastel)
SECOND PLACE - Jason Shih - Bird - (cast stainless steel)
SECOND PLACE - Jason Shih - Little Goldfish - (cast bronze)
THIRD PLACE - Shawna Hinkel - Redheads Have the Most Fun - (photography)
THIRD PLACE - Shawna Hinkel - Carnival King - (photography)
THIRD PLACE - Shawna Hinkel - Family Bonding - (photography)
THIRD PLACE - Shawna Hinkel - Full Pout Mode - (photography)
THIRD PLACE - Shawna Hinkel - Pretty Mischievous - (photography)
MERIT AWARD - Cher Pruys - The Matriarch - acrylic on hot press
MERIT AWARD - Cher Pruys - BAAAH - acrylic on hot press
MERIT AWARD - Cher Pruys - Little Joe - acrylic on hot press
MERIT AWARD - Cher Pruys - Petunia - acrylic on hot press
MERIT AWARD - Frederic Mauron - G7P - pastel
MERIT AWARD - Frederic Mauron - Perplexed Look At Humanity - pastel
MERIT AWARD - Frederic Mauron - Horse - pastel
MERIT AWARD - Frederic Mauron - ARA - pastel
MERIT AWARD - Steve Doris - The Error of False Pride - digital photography
MERIT AWARD - Steve Doris - American Cheagle - digital photography
MERIT AWARD - Ryan Crane - Purrfection - photography
MERIT AWARD - Ryan Crane - The Girafffe House - photography
MERIT AWARD - Lise Racine - August - acrylic
MERIT AWARD - Lise Racine - L' Echo de La Jungle - acrylic
MERIT AWARD - Lise Racine - Le Veilleur dans l'ombre - acrylic
MERIT AWARD - Lise Racine - Sagesse Primitive - acrylic
MERIT AWARD - Susan McCulley - Lynx Kitten - scratchboard
MERIT AWARD - Susan McCulley - Strength In Scars - scratchboard
HONORABLE MENTION - Christopher Tuscan - Hello There - oil
HONORABLE MENTION - Christopher Tuscan - Lost in Time - oil
HONORABLE MENTION - Gail Mashuda - White Nape Crane - photography
HONORABLE MENTION - Gail Mashuda - I'll tie it right here - photography
HONORABLE MENTION - Deborah Brosen - On the Move - scratchboard
HONORABLE MENTION - Ekaterina Erofeeva - The Cow - photography
HONORABLE MENTION - Sheila Daniells - Sisters - scratchboard
HONORABLE MENTION - Sheila Daniells - I am Woman Hear Me Roar - scratchboard
HONORABLE MENTION - Angela Gorta - Eye of the Crocodile - photography
HONORABLE MENTION - Angela Gorta - Watching You - photography
HONORABLE MENTION - Josh Voynick - Indigo - metal sculpture
HONORABLE MENTION - Josh Voynick - Indigo 4 - metal sculpture
HONORABLE MENTION - Deborah Brosen - Camoflauge - acrylic
HONORABLE MENTION - Joanna Levesley - Eagle Eyed - pen and ink
HONORABLE MENTION - Joanna Levesley - Hooded Falcon - pen and ink